Charlie Actor

Full Stack Web Developer

About Charlie

Charlie Actor refuses to act, so try to refrain from asking. If you simply must ask, however, he will understand.

Charlie has always loved computers and technology, as well as music and sound. After working in the audio field for several years, Charlie found that he had fallen into a career path that was both repetitive and mind-numbing. After two years of making radio advertisements in both English and Spanish, Charlie tried his hand at programming. Finding that he was not only a good programmer, but actually enjoyed having mental challenges to tackle, he decided to enroll in Skill Distillery - a Java focused coding bootcamp.

Charlie is an avid hiker, skier and outdoorsman, as well as an accomplished nerd.


Angular TODO App

This todo app utilizes angular to offer lightning fast reactions without having to reload the page, as well as encryption to offer private, secure user login


SnowBros is an app that allows users to meet and carpool with other skiers/snowboarders headed to the mountain in the hopes of reducing traffic, and helping users make new friends (bros)!

Colorado's Top Hikes

This CRUD project allows the user to see Colorado's top hikes, as well as add, update, and delete the list of top hikes.

US Presidents

This web app allows the user to look through all US presidents and learn something new about them, as well as search by president number and by party. President 45's picture is particularly noteworthy.


This game replicates blackjack, utilizing objects in a highly cohesive, low-coupled way for maximum re-usability.

Contact Charlie

Shoot Charlie an email!